Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thingummies I Made

I'm sure there's a real name for these oh-so popular pictures with the (more or less) inspirational words on them. Since I do not know that name, I am placing all of my creations in that line under the comprehensive title of 'thingummies'. Here are two thingummies I made tonight. Both of the pictures were taken by me. 


Wow! No-one has posted on here in a really long time. I guess everyone's like me - busy, busy, busy! I haven't had time for much poetry lately, but here is one that I wrote.


Set-piece clouds,
Drifting by.
Azure backdrop,
Clean and high.
Verdant stage,
Enter: I

Quote my pieces,
Never borrow
From the scripting
Of tomorrow.
Copyright 2012 The Aspiring Bard

I'm also in the shaping and reshaping process of working on two other poems. They might show up on here eventually. ;-)